dynamic geology
The seminar on the course "Essentials of Geology" for the 1st year students
The Dynamic Geology department of the Geological Faculty of the Lomonosov Moscow State University provides students with basic classical geological education in the bachelor's program (4 years), as well as advanced knowledge through specialized courses in the master's program (6 years). Post-graduate program prepares candidates of geological sciences specializing in "Global Geology and Geodynamics".

Professors, associate professors, and lecturers of the Dynamic Geology department teach basic courses such as Essentials of Geology, Tectonics, Geodynamics, Tectonophysics, Computer Modeling in Geology, Statistical Methods for Geologists, Geomorphology, Geochronology, Paleomagnetism, Earth Physics, Geoinformation Systems in Geology, and many others.

Field practice in the Crimea after the 1st year
The Dynamic Geology department organizes and conducts educational geological practices: for 1st-year students - practices in Fundamentals of Geology (the Crimea) and Geology of the Moscow region, as well as Structural Geology practice for 3rd-year students. Every summer, we organize internships at leading scientific and industrial companies in Russia for students.

The scientific research of the staff of the Dynamic Geology department is related to comprehensive studies of the Earth's tectonics and geodynamics in both the past and the present. Our scientific research is conducted in close collaboration with leading specialists from the geological and geophysical institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as based on the teaching and research laboratories of the department. Students and staff of the department actively participate in organizing and conducting filed works in various regions of Russia and abroad every year.
Fieldwork for graduate and post-graduate students
One of the main priorities of the Dynamic Geology department is international cooperation in the field of teaching geology and making joint scientific research. In recent years, we have been conducting research in collaboration with scientists from China, Japan, Hungary, the United States, France, and Germany. Several Chinese citizens have studied at the department and successfully defended their master’s and PhD theses.

We are open to cooperation and invite foreign students to study at our department. For any questions, please contact us at e-mail: dynamo.geol@ya.ru

Key words: Essentials of Geology, Global Geology, Tectonics, Geodynamics, Seismotectonics, Structural Geology, Tectonophysics, Physics of the Earth Interiors, Paleomagnetism, Rock Magnetism, Magnetostratigraphy, Geomagnetism, Geomorphology, GIS, Volcanology, Geochronology, Detrital Zircon, Apatite Fission-Track dating, Zircon Fission-Track dating.
Prof. Roman Veselovskiy
Head of the Dynamic Geology department
Email: roman.veselovskiy@ya.ru
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